Research & Academic Mentorship Program (RAMP)
Research and Academic Mentorship Program (RAMP) provides comprehensive mentorship support for high school and undergraduate students who wish to have research experience and academic consulting. The RAMP places individuals into one-on-one or group mentorship relationships based on experience, interest area, and career goals. After filling out the mentee form below, the RAMP matches each student with an individual mentor to provide personalized support. Moreover, RAMP organizes workshops and seminars on various scientific fields, navigating different aspects of academic careers, including conducting original research, finding internships, and preparing for graduate school applications. This program is open to all research-minded, motivated, and hardworking students interested in pursuing a research career in the Northeast region of the US. All high school and undergraduate students are eligible to apply to this program. Learn more about how you can become a mentor/mentee or offer a workshop below.